Thursday, December 15, 2011

HO in the CO

So HO=hung over in case you don't love acronyms like I do...So you know when you go out to big greasy hung-over breakfast, and eat too many carbs and drink too much coffee and then want to come home and sleep but you can't because of the coffee that the waitress kept refilling when you weren't looking? Ugh, hate that feeling.

So in a stroke of hungover genius and shared laughter with a friend, I decided to reincarnate the blog. At least, until I get too busy again and forget. But for now, I will write, because I am a fourth year medical student and it's the last chance I get to procrastinate and be lazy for four years so I plan on making the most of it.

Why do people blog though? Does anyone really give a shit what you have to say about anything? Probably not. I'm not sure why I do it. I used to journal, but then I realized I type faster than I write, and my hand-writing is really ugly and "looks like serial killer handwriting" according to one of my friends. Also I kind of wanted to put my thoughts down in some coherent format that I could leave to my kid one day, as my legacy. That is, if I do turn into the kooky old maid who decides she needs something to love besides her cats and adopts a Senegalese baby who turns into a transgender teen because he has a workaholic mother and no male role models. Then maybe my transgender teen will say "wow, maybe my mom wasn't so crazy after all!" Or maybe he will say the opposite, whatever, honesty is always best.

Ok, so new blog rules:
1) All names will be changed to ridiculous pseudonyms to protect the innocent, and especially the not-so-innocent.
2) That's really the only rule, I suppose, except that I am going to try to keep a bit of anonymity so as not to get fired or upset my family or piss off all my exes. Actually, scratch that last part...


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