Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Grass Isn't Always Greener

Searching for the right apartment in this city is a lot like dating. Blind dating. It's awkward, full of hurried conversations, over and under-exaggerations to make said apartment and roommates more desirable, lots of open-ended questions, and the ambiguous ending of who is supposed to call who and when.

But this dating game is a bit more high stakes than finding the perfect mate (well, in my opinion). At any given moment in this city there are hundreds of young broke singles looking for the perfect apartment in the best location possible. ASAP. The competition is fierce.

My own search started with Craigslist. In the city of its birthplace (the original office is in Sunset!), Craigslist is the modern-day equivalent of a market. Who needs to have garage sales or pay Ebay's listing fee? Not necessary on Craigslist! You can everything from no strings-attached oral sex to a car. The caveat is the time required to sift through all the junk before you find what you're looking for. I probably emailed over 50 people and was kind of bummed that I only got around 15 or so replies. I learned from seasoned CL veterans that you have to pepper your email Subject line with all caps and convey that you are the coolest, most laid-back, ready to sign a lease at any moment person in this city.

So I set up several "dates" (I think that sounds better than appointment, don't you?) over about a 5 day span to check out these places. My search took me all over the city, and actually proved to be a very good way to get to know it better.

My first date was in Seacliff, by the ocean. Sounds cool huh? however, the beach here isn't the greatest, it's like 45 mins from the center of the city, is extremely cold a lot of the year, and I would be living with a couple....Next! Onto a 4-bedroom in Inner Sunset, right by the park. Fabulous location, however, one of the dirtiest apartments I've ever seen. As in dating, if your potential roommates or suitors don't attempt to impress on your first date, then they sure as hell won't later on in the relationship...Next. A very different scene- a smoky, shabby 2-bedroom in the Mission. The Mission is predominantly populated with Hipsters and Hispanics. My roommate would be a late 30s Cuban DJ and Salsa instructor, and yes, that was a perk. He was precious, the apartment was not, but it was cheap, had a yard, and was less than a block from an ice cream shoppe. Tempted....but he smoked. And loved incense. My lungs started constricting the second I walked through the door (I have a touch of asthma). So....Next. But he promised to cook me cuban food, and go dancing anytime. Sweet.

My last two places were a tough call. I suffer from indecision with most things in life, and this was no exception. The first place, in Hayes Valley, was a beautiful large room with a bay window opening onto the back patio, cool roommates, decent rent. My last place was in Nob Hill, a very residential community, I would be living with 2 guys and 2 girls, with sweeping views of the city and a very large, very nice, and very affordable apartment. People were also really cool. Yet, something about this side of town made me not love it so much...perhaps it was the fact that I had walked about 2 miles uphill in the freezing cold wind in sandals that gave me bleeding blisters. And I was late for my date, so I didn't get to eat dinner. Try to avoid me if at all possible if I've missed a meal. I tend to be grumpy. But although I loved the place and the people, it wasn't quite urban enough for me. I love being outdoors, but if I'm going to live in the city, I want to be in the city. I've had enough suburbia for awhile. Or forever.

Part of me wanted to keep looking. There were pros and cons to each place....I wanted to find the perfect, cheap apartment, with perfect roommates who would be my best friends for life...but, like most things in life, you can't wait around forever.

In the end, I went with my gut, and location-I chose the Hayes Valley apartment. It's a little cold, no common area but the kitchen, not next door to an ice cream parlor, but I am happy with my decision.  253 Laguna is between Haight and Page st. between a hair salon and a swanky tea lounge. My building is surrounded by old Victorian homes, and is 9 blocks from Golden Gate Park, and a quick bike-ride away from my classes. Oh and there's a bar on the next block with a fabulous happy hour. I love the city!

My apartment search reiterated a lesson I had forgotten. In a world of uncertainties and second-guessing your choices in life, one thing is very clear. You may not always find the perfect man, the perfect shade of nail polish, or the perfect apartment...but, rest assured, you can always find the perfect pair of boots ;)

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