Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm baaaaccckkkkkk!!!!

I'm not really sure the impetus for reinvigorating my blog...perhaps being trapped in a windowless steamy room in the most polluted city on earth while nursing a fever and nausea does weird things to your mind. What do I know, I'm only 3/4 doctor.

Being nauseated sucks. so does itching. And of course Indonesia doesn't sell Phenergan, the best anti-nausea so you can sleep 15 hours straight medicine EVER. So I will rely on these weird stick on heating pads, tylenol, and some sort of cramping medicine to relieve my agony. Doctors are huge babies by the way-because we think of all the possible things that could be wrong with us every time we get sick (My differential includes: SBO, gastritis, ruptured ovarian cyst, the worst PMS ever, shigella, salmonella, rotavirus, and too many others to list...ignorance really is bliss.)

Maybe I'm just is way too early to call my amigos, although I was really tempted. Who wouldn't want a wake-up call at 3 am on a weekday from your best friend who wants to whine about her tummy hurting? But for some reason, think this might be one of those put your big girl panties on times.

The one good thing about being sick? Other people taking care of you. I'm totally a sucker for service. I love breakfast in bed, and as a shrewd kindergartner I quickly learned that I could train my mother to serve me Lucky Charms on my favorite My Little Ponies tray in front of the TV as an enticement to actually get out of bed for school. 22 years later, this like, doesn't happen anymore. (Unless I happen to be home on my birthday or christmas. Chocolate Eclair and Coffee? Yes please!) time I can still get my pampering is when I'm sick. One time in med school I was so sick that I literally passed out on my bathroom floor and could not get up the next day because I was so dehydrated. My dear father figure friend Patrick brought me blue gatorade and revived me back to life. Or at least back to bed. That's the first thing you learn as a med student. Gatorade for hangovers, and avoid Mexican food at all costs. So what if I was sick from vodka and not a virus? Same same.

Unfortunately this little bug ain't from alcohol. However, I did still get some care today from a friend I have known about 1 month. My friend Agnes checked on me all day between her work and meetings, took me to the Apotik (pharmacy), brought me warm rice, offered to massage my back, and gave lots of motherly looks of pity. Almost felt like home. And then I looked out the window of our car and realized I was still stuck in the Jakarta smog. I have a love-hate relationship with Indonesia, but I will say that these are among the most generous, welcome people I have ever encountered. Even though most people here won't hesitate to burp in public and shove you out of the way when waiting in line, they will be the first to invite you into their home, feed you 5-course meals, and do anything in their power to anticipate any possible need of their beloved "guest."

Being from the South, we are known for our hospitality. Yet this is an area I am totally lacking in....traveling alone here and barely speaking the language has made me realize the power in kindness to strangers, especially those who are clearly fish out of water, as I have been here for the last month. 

But I think I've come to the conclusion that I would be a lot more hospitable if my house was ever clean (it is, like 15.7% of the time). Do maids count as pampering?

1 comment:

  1. Did you take your antibiotics? Have you had a malaria smear? When are you coming home?

